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Celts, Gaels and Pay de Galles
I am not sure why the author has put down English, let alone Scottish for so many Welsh names.
List of most common surnames in Wales Numbers in brackets indicate percentages.
SMITH and JONES are the most common surnames in the UK.Most Welsh surnames end in s, with Morgan and Llewellyn being exceptions.
Wallace for example meant a man from Wales, there is a Wallasey, part of Liverpool..... William Wallace, was clearly a Scot but his forefathers were from Wales. Just look at the names of those who have played rugby for Wales!
Jones (5.75)
Williams (3.72)
Davies (3.72)
Evans (2.47)
Thomas (2.43)
Roberts (1.53)
Lewis (1.53)
Hughes (1.23)
Morgan (1.16)
Griffiths (0.96)
Edwards (0.93)
Smith (0.85)
James (0.82)
Rees (0.81)
Jenkins (0.69)
Owen (0.67)
Price (0.67)
Phillips (0.65)
Collins (0.48)
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Wallace may mean a man from Wales (or Cumbria) but it's the English or Scots name for a man from Wales. Lewis, Robert, Hugh, William etc. are Norman English; Edward and Smith are Saxon. Even the Welsh names listed (Rees, Owen, Morgan, Evans) are the English versions, not the Welsh.
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