What does the name "Esmoris" mean?
Could you please provide us with background information about the name?
For example, where did you come across the name? What ethnicity or nationality did you think the bearer was? How old did you guess the bearer to be? What was their gender? Tiny snippets of information like that may seem quite insignificant at first, but they can turn out to be hugely useful in the end. :)
For example, where did you come across the name? What ethnicity or nationality did you think the bearer was? How old did you guess the bearer to be? What was their gender? Tiny snippets of information like that may seem quite insignificant at first, but they can turn out to be hugely useful in the end. :)
I have few information. It appeared as a surname in Argentinia and in Switzerland (East of Switzerland, french speaking part of Switzerland).
Oh, so Esmoris is a surname originally? In that case, you might have more luck at the Surname message board:
Good luck and have a nice day! :)
Good luck and have a nice day! :)