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Popularity of first names in Europe 1970 - 1995
I'm looking for popular female first names in Europe (or select European countries) for year of birth 1970 to 1995 (or by decade).Any advice or pointer is very much appreciated.Thanks!Stefan
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For Poland I have this website where it shows the Polish name and it's English equivalent
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Data from England plus Wales, for some of the years within your range given:
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For France I just found this list recently, here's the list for female names, just change the year on the drop-down list for whatever year you prefer:
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For Germany, I recommend the lists by Knud Bielefeld at has a large database and he counts first given names only (in contrast to the lists by Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache who count every occurence of a given name independently of position). This reflects the distribution of the German *Rufnamen* best.
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