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I encountered this name as the name of one of the many children of American inventor Isaac Singer. This name also belonged to some of Singer's other female descendants. Does anyone have a clue as to what it means?
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Isaac Merit Singer is legally my great, great-grandfather. My mother who sadly passed away 7 years ago was legally named Vouletti Olive van Heusen. Vouletti Theresa Proctor Singer was the first legal family name that Isaac named his granddaughter. I have a photograph of her when she was a child. If you don't have a photo of her, I will be most happy to give you a copy. Therefore, Vouletti is strictly a family name. The origin of the name is unknown to our family. We too have tried to find the history behind the name. Isaac Singer sired many children. I believe he was a bit of a(rogue) and a womanizer. As I said our family is legally related to Singer. Are you a Singer? I am curious. I'd love to hear from you, and if there's any further information I can help you out with, please let me know. I have spent years researching our ancestors. Fortunately, my mother has given me much history she already had.Kind regards, Sheryl (Sherry) Vouletti
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I am a Singer descendant
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How? Am interested to know...
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If not an invented name, the |-etti| suffix (plural-diminutive) suggests that the base |voul| is/was a Latin/Italian word.Another possibility is the plural form of a |vouletto?|, if that word exists.

This message was edited 11/29/2016, 7:13 PM

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Voula Βούλα, is a pet form of various Greek feminine names (the one referenced on BTN being a short form of Παρασκευούλα, from Παρασκευή "Friday", with no explanation), and a locality in Greece. A later suit names Singer's daughter as Violet.

This message was edited 7/18/2020, 7:09 PM

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Hi !!Vouletto don't exist.Maybe 'Vuletto' or 'Vuletti' could be some two surnames but I don't know what could be their origin.Byeeeee
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