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My first name.
I would like to know where my first name Terrunder comes from and generated from. I'm a female & I'm African American. It was given to me by my god mother. I recall as I got older I did hear something pertaining to German. I look on serval panels of names on this site & it didn't exist. This is the name that was given to me at birth and it's a ligit name. I would love to know something about this name. People ask me all the time about my first name & I can't tell them anything.
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Hi Terrunder, I have some thoughts/hypothesis about where do your name comes from.1. (See Pie and elbowin's messages)
2. Can you check your family members' names? It could be possible if your name was a combination of their names. For example, your name could be combined from the name Theresa, Terry, Terri and Alexander, Lysander.
3. If the number 2 wasn't applicable, you could also check their middle names, surnames (extend it to the maiden name), or their idol, their favorite things, etc.
3. Last but not least, your name could also be a variation of the name Terranda, which is the Italian name of Tirana, the capital city of Albany. You could read the etymology of Tirana at,There,-are%20several%20hypotheses.Good luck finding what your name means!
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It could be from a family surname. The closest I could find in family records was Terunde (pronounced about the same as your name) which seems to have come to the US via a Dutch family who settled in Wisconsin. It's probably a variant of Dutch surname te Ronde.
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Being a native speaker of German and knowing something about German names, I can only give a negative answer: I don't know any German given name that only slightly resembles Terrunder.A remote hypothesis (and probably far-fetched) would give the following derivation: The German name and surname Erdmann (interpreted as "earth man") may get humanised to a Latin-Greek mix form Terrander that may be phonetically respelled as Terrunder. Searching for "Terrander" makes this hypothesis improbable, Terrander as a surname has an extremely low frequency and I cannot locate German people with that name.

This message was edited 1/29/2016, 12:03 AM

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What is/was your godmother's linguistic background?(You're the only TERRUNDER that I see in Google.)

This message was edited 1/28/2016, 1:44 PM

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