masculine names
I'm writing a novel at the moment, and part of it is set in the 1880s. A well-off, Arts-and-Crafts type couple have three daughters (Flavia, Julia, Lydia) and one son who I'm struggling with a name for.
I want his name to fit with the mood of the novel, but also sum up, quite explicity, everything he stands for. The most important things about him are that,
a) he is a boy - the only son, and
b) he is the most important thing in his mother's world: her children have displaced religion as the backbone of her life.
At the moment his name is Christian, which deals with the second point. But I'd like him to have an explicity masculine name - one with a meaning like "man" or "son". So far I've come up with Ben, Adam and Andrew - but none of them seem to fit. Do you guys have any other ideas?
I've also found "Saul", which means prayed-for, but it seems a bit stuffy for a nine-year-old.
I'm writing a novel at the moment, and part of it is set in the 1880s. A well-off, Arts-and-Crafts type couple have three daughters (Flavia, Julia, Lydia) and one son who I'm struggling with a name for.
I want his name to fit with the mood of the novel, but also sum up, quite explicity, everything he stands for. The most important things about him are that,
a) he is a boy - the only son, and
b) he is the most important thing in his mother's world: her children have displaced religion as the backbone of her life.
At the moment his name is Christian, which deals with the second point. But I'd like him to have an explicity masculine name - one with a meaning like "man" or "son". So far I've come up with Ben, Adam and Andrew - but none of them seem to fit. Do you guys have any other ideas?
I've also found "Saul", which means prayed-for, but it seems a bit stuffy for a nine-year-old.
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Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
I find it very hard to think of names when I write stories too. I usually think of all the books I've ever read, and then choose something :)
I think Jonathan is a very pretty name, well also very masculine. Jonathan is, in the bible, the son of Saul. You considered Saul, what about his son? ;) Read the text of the name here in the database. I didn't know if was a biblical name before I read it. Great for an adult and a nine-year-old in my opinion.
Another name I can think of is Galahad. It's kind of old, but very masculine and strong.
Or Isaac. In the bible God tells Abraham to kill his own son(Isaac), right? Anyway, a good, very pretty name, in my opinion.
I hope that was any help at all :) Good luck!
I think Jonathan is a very pretty name, well also very masculine. Jonathan is, in the bible, the son of Saul. You considered Saul, what about his son? ;) Read the text of the name here in the database. I didn't know if was a biblical name before I read it. Great for an adult and a nine-year-old in my opinion.
Another name I can think of is Galahad. It's kind of old, but very masculine and strong.
Or Isaac. In the bible God tells Abraham to kill his own son(Isaac), right? Anyway, a good, very pretty name, in my opinion.
I hope that was any help at all :) Good luck!
now Jonathan... that's really nice! I like that a lot, thanks Evdokia :)
Isaac is also worth thinking about. But Galahad! Sure, it's heroic - but poor kid!
Isaac is also worth thinking about. But Galahad! Sure, it's heroic - but poor kid!
Your welcome :)
Ok, you're right, Galahad is a little too much. I'm just so crazy about all King Arthur stories and myths :P
Ok, you're right, Galahad is a little too much. I'm just so crazy about all King Arthur stories and myths :P
Stick with Christian, what a name!