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Latinization of the name Tourneau
Again, thank you in advance of whom ever is able to latinize the name of Tourneau, what I do know is that it is of old french origin "Le Toruneau", which comes from late Latin "Sturnellus", which is a diminutive of classical Latin "Sturnus". So again I hope this helps, and anyone who can do this thank you.
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Why wouldn't STURNELLUS be its Latinization?(Does it really mean "Sneezy?")

This message was edited 12/23/2014, 4:44 PM

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I am sorry if I caused some confusion for you, I just wasn't sure about trhe name "Sturnellus", thank you sabretooth for confirming that it is the latinization of "Tourneau".
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Quote..., thank you sabretooth for confirming that it is the latinization of "Tourneau".

I am not expert enough to be considered a source of confirmation, but if your etymology is correct, that would be my best guess.
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Missspelled "the" by accident, sorry.
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