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Latinize the name Dakota and the name Dawson
PLEASE HELP, I've been looking everywhere to find out how latinize the names Dakota and Dawson, but so far no one has any real reference on how to or that already has Latinized these names, so if some one could help I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
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I agree with elbowin on Dacota (f)/Dacotus (m). Dakotai, as Sabertooth suggested, wouldn't be logical, that sounds more Greek than Latin.Since the Latin language doesn't use the letter "w" (at least not frequently) Dawsoni wouldn't be a great option. elbowin's suggestion is possible.
However, I'd like to add that Dawson means "David's son". David translates to David in Latin, and since Romans usually named their sons after themselves (more info on Roman names here: I'd just call him David. It might not be a precise translation, but it's historically correct.
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"Dakotai, as Sabertooth suggested, wouldn't be logical, that sounds more Greek than Latin."
The |-i| derived from nomenclature is Latin-based, but may represent possession more than it does Latinization. Many Italian surnames end in |-i| for exactly that reason. Its English-equivalent would be the final |-s| in many surnames [e.g. Davis, Harris, Jones, Roberts, Williams, etc.].Using your rationale of David < Daw-, a better guess would be Davidi|Davidius|Davidia, where |-i| means "descendant(s)," |-ius| means "descendant man" and |-ia| means "descendant woman."
[English literal: Davi(d)s, Davi(d)son and Davi(d)s-daughter]If you wanted to stay true to the shortened Daw-, it would be Davi|Davius|Davia.
[English literal: Daws, Dawson and Daws-daughter]

This message was edited 12/19/2014, 3:49 PM

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Dakota is (almost) perfect Latin, just replace the letter k with a c and you get Dacota (for a girl) and Dacotus (for a boy).Dawson is more difficult, one possiblility is Coloeofilius (interpretation: Son of a (Jack)daw).
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In animal and plant taxonomy, Dawson is rendered "dawsoni.""Dakota" is of native American origin, but my SWAG would be "dakotus," because of the historical relationship between |-us| and |-a|. Possibly, "dakotai."

This message was edited 12/18/2014, 3:18 PM

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