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Re: Liam
in reply to a message by ADT
The sudden jump could certainly be attributed in part to Neeson, whose name became famous in 1993 when he appeared in Schindler's List.The other one is Liam Hemsworth. But I wonder if Liam was coming into popularity regardless and these actors just gave it a visibility boost.- mirfak

This message was edited 12/15/2014, 12:58 AM

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I think Liam Hemsowrth is a good guess. The US tabloids were rife with that name when he was linked to Miley Cyrus and the Hunger Games movies.
I do think that the One Direction singer Liam Payne might also be influencing young mothers. Plus, several celebrities have named their newborns Liam in the past 4 or 5 years. SO, copycat naming might lend to Liam's rise in popularity. I also think that people are trying to find new ways to represent William, which is likely the name of many of the new little Liams' grandfathers or fathers.
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That makes sense.
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I also think Liam fits well with the recent trend of "Irish-but-not-too-foreign-sounding" names that have been recently popular in the US: Aidan, Finn, Riley, Brennan, Brayden, Donovan, etc.
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