It is a fem. name. In 'Beowulf' Freawaru is the daughter of Hrothgar, the King of Danes, but I don't know the meaning. The name's most probably Anglo-Saxon. Could you please help?
'Do not be grieved for me, Starbrow,' she said. 'Nor too much ashamed of your own folk. Better a little doll, maybe, than no memory of Faery at all.'
'Smith of Wootton Major' J.R.R.Tolkien
'Do not be grieved for me, Starbrow,' she said. 'Nor too much ashamed of your own folk. Better a little doll, maybe, than no memory of Faery at all.'
'Smith of Wootton Major' J.R.R.Tolkien
Hm, I'm going to say it's was a combo of Old English freo/frið "freeborn" and Germanic war "guard". (Such language meldings were rather uncommon, but certainly not unheard of.)
I'm not entirely certain of these elements, but I think the above's a good educated guess.
Incidentally, Hrothgar's just a form of Roger.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
I'm not entirely certain of these elements, but I think the above's a good educated guess.
Incidentally, Hrothgar's just a form of Roger.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Thanks for your good educated guess
... for it certainly looks credible. And, I know that Hrothgar is a form of Roger, wonder why you mentioned it.
'Do not be grieved for me, Starbrow,' she said. 'Nor too much ashamed of your own folk. Better a little doll, maybe, than no memory of Faery at all.'
'Smith of Wootton Major' J.R.R.Tolkien
... for it certainly looks credible. And, I know that Hrothgar is a form of Roger, wonder why you mentioned it.
'Do not be grieved for me, Starbrow,' she said. 'Nor too much ashamed of your own folk. Better a little doll, maybe, than no memory of Faery at all.'
'Smith of Wootton Major' J.R.R.Tolkien