How to pronounce last names
How do you pronounce the Ukrainian name Vasylyk? How about Ankeren? (Dutch).
We're all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars.
~Oscar Wilde.
We're all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars.
~Oscar Wilde.
The Ukrainian one is probably pronounced VAH-see-lik or VAH-see-leek.
Mar is right about the Dutch one.
Mar is right about the Dutch one.
Ankeren is pronounced AHN-kə-rən.
How do you pronounce the nguyen name?
Acne Cyst
Acne Cyst
In English it's pronounced 'win' or 'when'. Of course in Chinese it's more like saying the word wing minus the wi, but this sound doesn't actually exist in English as a start of words which is way 'win' is used instead.
Nguyen is Vietnamese, not Chinese. We have a friend with this surname who pronounced it slowly for me. It's "Ngwin": NG (the sound at the end of "sing") immediately followed by WIN.
It is unnatural for English-speakers to pronounce NG at the beginning of a word, but not difficult.
It is unnatural for English-speakers to pronounce NG at the beginning of a word, but not difficult.
Thanks. i have learned something
I always heard nuh-GWIN, but I'm not sure.
I don't know this particular name, but it is likely to be prenasalized stop /ⁿg/. It is the probably close to the sound in English finger, except in English, this combination doesn't appear syllable initially. So, one could start by realizing that one can keep humming a nasal like nnnnnnn without any other vowel, then think of saying nnnnnnguyen, and then shortening the initial sequence down so that the ng takes roughly the same time as a g would in that position.