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The meaning/origin of my name
Ever since I was young, people have asked me about the origin of my name. The only explanation I can offer is that I am named for my father. To my knowledge, I was the only Chatavia around, and some people have told me in the past they liked my name, and would not mind using it....Now if you google the name, there are few listed (all of which are younger than I). Howver, I am still curious if there are any known origins. I am a Black female (I am only including this due to the request). I am not sure if there is anything else I can provide to assist in getting the origin...
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What exactly do you mean when you say you "were named for" your father? Was his name Chatavia? Or did he have some other name that your parents modified to create a feminine form of?-avia has been a very popular suffix for the creation of new names in the African-American community, especially in the Southeastern USA. And do you pronounce the initial "Ch" in your name as in Charles or as in Charlotte?
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