Re: meaning of my name
in reply to a message by sathiyamoorthy
The common word for truth in Sanskrit, going back all the way to the Rgveda is satya. The Indoeuropean etymology of this word is not known, but may be connected to the etyma or ἐτεός or related to do with the existential root at the basis of English is. murch is root meaning to solidify or congeal, which goes back to the Atharvaveda, but used more commonly in the epic period and later. Most often it is used in the sense of "to take on substance" when used literally (More often, the original root is used figuratively to signify growing stiff or unconscious, and derived words could mean silly or dull). From this one gets mUrti meaning something which has taken concrete shape, or an idol. So, satyamUrti could be translated as "truth personified," though it can also mean a "true idol." It is used commonly as a name in South India. Sathiyamoorthy is a South Indian transliteration into Roman script of the same word.