I have never heard this name before until the start of this school year, with one of my classmates bearing the name. I don't think it's one of those white trash names, because she seems to come from a respectable enough family, but I don't know.
Does anyone have any info on this name?
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"one of those white trash names"? Wow, racist much?
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Your economic background doesn`t completely exclude you form having a certain type of name. In any case it`s probably a corruption of a French surname such as Dupuis.
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This could be a use of the rare surname Depreece as a given name. You can find examples of Americans with the surname Depreece on Google: itself is probably an alternate form of the more common surname DePriest.
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Not info exactly ... but I was at school with a girl (also respectable!) named Duprecia (dyou PREE sha) whose name I take to be a feminised surname. There are a good number of people with French surnames in South Africa - we owe our wine industry to their ancestors, the Huguenots - and this one would be Du Pré in French but Du Preez here. It isn't much of a stride from Du Preez to Depreece, though the -z on Du Preez is silent. But that didn't stop Duprecia's parents!Oh, and Pré = Meadow in French, to my knowledge.
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