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Re: Airlyn
I think that it belongs with the 'hippie' names, such as Skylar, Star, etc.
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Sorry, I wasn't considering it an opinion. Opinions to me are more 'I do/don't like this because.'Won't do it again.
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Well...Yes, I read your comment as an opinion, but now I see how it could be interpreted otherwise: a hippie made-up name.I'm sorry if I came off a little harsh, btw. But Chrisell just said in this same thread not to post opinions, so I kind of lost it when you apparently it too.This teaches us the value of proofreading for clarity, though, doesn't it? ;-)
Top 10 Reasons Why I Procrastinate:
1. Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
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