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In the SSA top list, there are a number of names that looks like they would be day-anna in English:Daianna, Dayana, Deyana, Deiana etc.A Mexican acquaintance of mine once told me that this was used by Spanish speaking families so that the name would be pronounced like Dye-anna, instead of the traditional Diana being Dee-anna. Does anyone know if this is the case? Or are these separate names?******************************************
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Your friend is correct about Dayana and Daianna. For a Spanish-speaker, these approximate the English pronunciation of Diana. As another example, Brian is sometimes spelled Brayan by Spanish-speakers. It is also correct that in Spanish, Diana is similar to dee-ah-na. Deyana and Deiana, however, would be pronounced in Spanish something like "Day" (the English word)-ah-na.

This message was edited 8/11/2010, 8:45 PM

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Thanks!!!I have another question about Spanish names... B and VI've seen names spelled interchangeably with Bs and Vs, that isBiancé, Viancé
Esbeidy, Esveidy
Vanessa, Banessaetc. Are these pronounced the same in Spanish?
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Yes, they are. In Spanish, B and V have exactly the same sound [b].
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