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My friends name shes Musilm her family are of Pakistani origin and im curious on the menaing. Thank you in advance."I should have taken drugs I should have fallen under I should have gone to school instead of rock and roll-Now look at me I'm fractured-Do you know how long its taken me, Do you know how far Ive come"
Unfinished Drawings
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According to Muslim & Parsi Names by Maneka Gandhi & Ozair Husain, Farzan is from Arabic and means "to see, perceive, observe", while Farzân is from Persian and means "wise, wisdom". I would assume that Farzana is a feminine form of one of those names.
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Thank you ( actually that descirbes my friend)
"I should have taken drugs I should have fallen under I should have gone to school instead of rock and roll-Now look at me I'm fractured-Do you know how long its taken me, Do you know how far Ive come"
Unfinished Drawings
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