In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (movie), there is a young girl named Freda. The mother pronounces it FREH-dah, instead of FREE-dah. I know that Tolkien used a lot of Norse root words and names for the kingdom of Rohan. I was just curious as to which countries might pronounce it FREH-dah.
"It's the job that is never started that takes the longest to finish." - J.R.R. Tolkien
"It's the job that is never started that takes the longest to finish." - J.R.R. Tolkien
Pretty much all Nordic countries would pronounce it FREH-dah since there's no I in it it wouldn't be natural to say FREE-dah.
Freda has English, German and Welsh origins. I believe in each case the name is spelled FRAY-dah. (And I think of the Italian boy name Fredo pronounced FRAY-doh.) You could look at the different origins here and draw your own conclusions:
Well, FREH-dah would be the Slavic pronunciation.