Meaning of the last name Newsome, and where the name came from.
Need to know where the name Newsome came from. Is this name english?
What is the meaning of the name?
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What is the meaning of the name?
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It's English, and locational. Has several spelling variations, Newsam, Newsom, Newsome,Newsum, Newsholme. "of Newsholm" a township in the parish of Gisburne, near Clitheroe, West Riding Yorkshire.
Were the last name newsome came from. Is it italian?
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Try this name on Behind the Name's sister site Behind the Surname. Here is the link to their message board:
I hope this helps!

Bunny, Gigi, Chloris, Wilma, Darleen, Eartha
"Any name is beautiful when it's given in love" -Me
Try this name on Behind the Name's sister site Behind the Surname. Here is the link to their message board:
I hope this helps!

Bunny, Gigi, Chloris, Wilma, Darleen, Eartha
"Any name is beautiful when it's given in love" -Me