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Guenièvre- how to pronounce? In database. nt
(Dragon)(Clarinet) aka Xenokleia
Currently loving: Seraphine, Evangeline, Persephone, Astrid, and Xanthia
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What does this name mean?.
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The pronunciation is [geˈnjEvʀ] (more or less gay-NYEVR, with the first syllable pronounced with only the first sound of the group AY). In French, a GU before E or I represents the sound [g] (as in the English word game), just like G before A, U or O; without the U, G+E or G+I sound [ʒ] (usually represented in English as zh).In some southern dialects (and in some speakers) at the end of the word it can appear a sound [ǝ], but that is a dialectal pronunciation and not the standard one.

This message was edited 9/25/2009, 11:28 AM

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I'd pronounce it more like gwen-YEV-re with the -re on the end being a rolled r.
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I looked at other French names with known pronunciations that had similar sounds or letters.Jacqueline and Marguerite have the "ue" that is pronounced with an ə sound (like the a in about). Geneviève has the "ièv" that is pronounced YEV as well as the beginning "zh" sound (like in vision). Ambre and Aurore have the "re" that is pronounced er (like in biter or fighter).So Guenièvre would sound something like zhə-nye-VERThat is just a guess, so it may be incorrect.
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