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Meaning of Treva
I'm researching the name Treva - is it just a feminine form of Trevor, or does it have another origin. It appears in the US popularity charts in the 1890s-1900s, way before Trevor, which appeared in the 1950s-60s.
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Can't help much, just wanted to mention that I've seen Trevor in the 1600s in the UK, but Treva doesn't appear until 1876 here, and it's really rare - wouldn't have even come close to hitting a popularity chart. I'd think it was a feminisation of Trevor, but seeing it out of context, I'd probably pronounce it tree-va, which makes me also think there might be another origin.
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hi,i have hear tereva , not treva, used a russian version of teresa, which means harvest. treva sounds slavic to me?
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