How do you pronounce the name - Sienna
Hhow do you pronounce the name - Sienna
I dunno, ask Sienna!
There are many ways to Pronounce Sienna. I pronounce my name see-ena.
You can can pronounce it: SI-ENA or SI-NA. The name Sienna comes from
the name: Shawna.
You can can pronounce it: SI-ENA or SI-NA. The name Sienna comes from
the name: Shawna.
i pronounce mt name with a long i and a long e so like hyena but si
Hi, just wondering, where did you get the info that the name Sienna comes from Shawna.
I thought it was from the Italian city Siena, have I missed something?
Michael (Sienna Anderson's Dad!)
I thought it was from the Italian city Siena, have I missed something?
Michael (Sienna Anderson's Dad!)