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How should I call myself?
Hi all!
I wanna take your advice. As you can see I can't choose how to call myself in English. I live in Ukraine. My mother is Greek and my father is Russian. I know how is my name spelled and spoken in Ukrainian and Russian. In BehindTheName.COM I found many interesting facts about my name. But I realised that I can't choose between "Cyril " and "Kirill ". I think, that there are many people in this messageboard who speaks English in their offline life. So how do you think, what sounds better "Cyril " or "Kirill "? Or maybe I should call myself "Kyrillos".
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Zdrastvuitzye, KyrilI think that was how Kondrashin, the Russian conductor spelled it.
Maya imya Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine). Kak dyela?
Alas, I don't have my Russian textbook with me, so you've got most of my Russian grammar right there, but I am willing to learn (as a very linguistically curious person and a college student).
Da zvidanya.PhyllisPS Sidhe Uaine is my name in Gaelic (Irish)
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KirillI'm sorry if I may have offended you by using the Russian, but they don't teach Ukrainian here. (@~~) Please accept my offering of a virtual Peace rose. We'd like you to return to the Board for other conversations. (I am assuming other regulars wouldn't mind your return.)Phyllis (Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria (depending on my mood, and which class I've just come from))
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Geia sou file :) My suggestion is to begin with the original spelling, Kyrillos, with an ypsilon. If you wish to anglify it, go for Kyrill.
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>Geia sou file :)Unfortunately in Greek language I know only two words: "Ya sou" I'm really shame about that :(>My suggestion is to begin with the original spelling, Kyrillos, with >an ypsilon.Instead of witch letter I should write an ypsilon? Maybe instead of English letter "i" or "y"? If you know how to spell my name in Greek, please write. I wold be glad to speel it in Greek.
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how to spell my first nameMy real father is Greek and i would be intrested to know how to spell my name, Anna and my sisters name, Helen in Greek, thankyou.
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Personally, I like the look and sound of "Kirill ". And the "k" sound should be less confusing to other people in your day-to-day life in Ukraine than the "s" sound of "Cyril ".
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I liked "Kirill " more before too. But now I now the opinion of person, who uses English more often than me. And now I'm more confident in my choice. I'm using it only in the Internet, because the are no good possibility for me to prictise English in Ukraine. But I'm going to speak English in Canada.Thanks in advice,
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Can I ask how that is pronounced? It looks nice. But I just cant figure out how to promounce it.
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In my dictionary there is transcription of "Cyril " ['sir(e)l] (letter "e" in trascription is turned upside-down)
That's nothing I can say about "Kirill " I can say how to pronounced but I can't write how to pronounce it. But I'll try. I think in english letters it sould be like this "Keereel" And the "r" sound should be pronounced like Russian letter "Ð" In Russian my name is spelled this way: "Êèðèëë"
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Oh I kind of get it. Thank you for trying. I think I got the pronoucation. But I thank you again. I like that name!
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That's nothing at all. You know, I like name "Diana "! ;)
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Thanks Kirill ! :)
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i moved to the usa and my names is kirill. i prefer it that way. i didnt like it when ppl called me cyril
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