Morgaine pronunciation
How would you pronounce Morgaine (according to the site it's a French feminine form of Morgan)? Is it mor-GAYN? Thank you for any help!
Rosamund Catherina "Rosa"
Georgette Michele "Georgia"
Marion Elspeth "Elsie"
Laurens Astrophel
Alexei Vladimir
Gaspard Adrian
Rosamund Catherina "Rosa"
Georgette Michele "Georgia"
Marion Elspeth "Elsie"
Laurens Astrophel
Alexei Vladimir
Gaspard Adrian
mor-GAYN is how i say it and its how it was pronounced in the movie "the mists of avalon". i thought it was rather pretty since i dont care for Morgan for girls. This is a nice alternative i think. :)
If it`s a French name, then mawr-GEN.
That's very interesting, not at all what I expected! Thank you ^-^