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Re: can u help?
Is it not a name of an angel because of the "-el"-suffix, meaning "god"? When i learnt Latin our teacher taught us that.(I learnt Latin at a protestant college with a lot of future pastors.)
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-el suffix in Latin meaning "God"? Are you sure?
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'el' does denote an angel, but only in Latin-based names. Not all names that end with 'el' are names of angels. Cornel, Gretel, Hazel and Mabel are examples.
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78faba and you are mixing up Hebrew and Latin. The Hebrew ending -el, present in some angels' names (Michael, Raphael, Gabriel), comes from 'el, abreviaton of Elohim, "God", used in last spot in the composition of given names.The ending -el present in names from Latin origin (Marcel) in some languages , comes from the Latin -ellus, a diminutive suffix (in Latin there is not an ending el).
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