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Kineret ? (Israel)
HelloI remember watching a TV series and the main character (a girl) was named Kineret. I kind of like that name and want to know what it means. The TV series was made in Israel I believe. The original title is "Ha-Sodot Shel Kineret". In the Englisch version the name was spelled Kinneret for whatever reason. Title: "The Kinneret Secrets". It was the name of the girl but also a place name (the girl was named for the place). Is this name popular in Israel ? What about Hadar ?The actress was named Hadar. I'm also wondering what this name means.And how are they pronounced correctly ?
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Perhaps it should be pointed out that the usual name for this lake in English speaking culture is the Sea of Galilee. :)
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The Kineret is a lake in the north of Israel. It gets its name from the word kinor, meaning violin, because it has the shape of a violin. It's rare as a name in Israel, but I met one once.Hadar is in the database, and is more common than Kineret.Hadar: prn. hah-DAHR; Kineret: prn. kee-NEH-ret.
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Not the violinThe lake got its name from a settlement called Kinneret (Chinneret), which is first mentioned in an Egyptian list of Palestinian cities in 1500 BCE (cf. Joshua 19:35). Its name seems to derive from the name of a Cananite deity. The interpretation from "kinnor," harp, is obviously younger. It is assumed to have referred to the shape of the hill the city was built on. But this is rather uncertain.Sources:
Encyclopedia Judaica
Das große Bibellexikon, Wuppertal 1996
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thanks! Is the name Hadar very popular for girls in Israel ?Oh and I love your name, Noa! I want to use Noa for a daughter (in a few years). Is it always spelled Noa for girls or is Noah also used for girls ? Is it very popular in Israel ? thanks!
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Hadar is not very popular, but I know three.As for my name:
All the girls I know named Noa spell it with no H in English. (We usually spell it in Hebrew, so the English spelling is not that important.) Israelis usually spell their names in English the way they sound, and the H is completely unnecessary.On the other hand, English speakers do not need to spell names the way Hebrew speakers do. If you spell Yonatan as Jonathan, Noach as Noah, and pronounce Michael as MIE-kull, there is no logical reason to spell Noa the Hebrew way on legitimacy grounds. You might want to do that anyway, so people wouldn't think she's a boy.And yes, it's extremely popular in Israel. It's been the number 1 name for a few years, with about 3% of the Israeli Jewish girls born each year bearing that name. It's awful.
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Wow I didn't know it was that popular! But I guess it's okay because in my country there are hardly any girls named Noa/h. I'm actually quite happy that it's popular in another country so I can tell my friends that it actually is a girls name as well. Most people don't believe me when I tell them because to them Noah is only a boys name and they think I'm into the whole "boys names for girls" thing ahhhhdo you know where I can find a list of the most popular names in Israel ? I really like Jewish names at the moment and I'd like to see which other names there are. At the moment I also really like the name Aviva.
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