Pronunciation of Eliora
How is Eliora pronounced? Three syllables or four? I found an old thread on this topic (see link below), but since only one person responded, I thought I'd ask again.
Is the pronunciation here ( correct?
Thanks for your responses!
Old post:
Is the pronunciation here ( correct?
Thanks for your responses!
Old post:
i tihnk its pronounced AL-or-ah
but thats just what i tihnk theres no proof or anything behind it
i know a girl who said it that way but im not sure it was spelt like that
but thats just what i tihnk theres no proof or anything behind it
i know a girl who said it that way but im not sure it was spelt like that
First: Read the FAQ. We ask that you do not use Netspeak on the board and that you use proper capitalization.
Second: This is a board for facts, not opinions. If you have no proof don't post on this board.
The name is pronounced el-ee-or-a, btw.
First: Read the FAQ. We ask that you do not use Netspeak on the board and that you use proper capitalization.
Second: This is a board for facts, not opinions. If you have no proof don't post on this board.
The name is pronounced el-ee-or-a, btw.
Over here, it's eh-li-OH-ra (definitely four syllables).
I think it depends on your accent. eh-lee-OR-uh / ehl-YOR-uh are very similar and either could be correct depending on how much stretching / slurring goes on in your accent.
I use the three-syllable pronunciation in my accent (Australian with a touch of English).
I use the three-syllable pronunciation in my accent (Australian with a touch of English).