Has anyone got any clue about this name? It's feminine, and I thought it was Italian, but now I'm not sure. I'd like to know where it comes from and especially how to pronounce it. I do credit card checks all the time at work, and this is definitely the most interesting I've seen. :)

Não vou mudar em vão
Pra que mentir
Se os dias vem e vão
e não me vejo aqui
- Detonautas

Não vou mudar em vão
Pra que mentir
Se os dias vem e vão
e não me vejo aqui
- Detonautas
It reminds me of the Turkish name Gulnare.
Not sure about pronounciation or meaning, but if Italian names are anything to go by, an English equivelant would begin with a 'J' like Giovanni= John, Giustino= Justin and Guiseppe= Joseph. By the looks of it it's probably a combanation name like the Italian Giampaolo is a mixture of Gianni and Paolo= John Paul. Sorry, I'm not much help on Italian names:(