Re: Name of places and greek gods from the albanian language.
in reply to a message by Satu
There is a theory of Albanians as descendants of Atlant, the lost continent. One of the oldest Illyrian tribes though was called Taulant (thau land) = dry land and in Asia there was another Illyrian settlement which now is called Thailand. There are three places called Albany 1. A city near London [Albany; it was said that there the first Christian roman soldier was killed] 2. Central Albania [actually Albanoi = Alb banoi - there lived Alb or the Alp mountainous people, people that lived in the (h)ill there is no coincidence that the greatest Albanian colony in Asia near China and Turkmenistan is located in very high ground along the longest river called Il 3. A country in Caucasus region near Caspian Sea. Why did Alexander the Great rush to India? Africa was certainly richer in gold and specially in diamonds and it would be much easier to conquer the black nation rather than the populated and well fortified India. Why should he go through so many perils, pass difficult paths through treacherous mountains when he had the great fleet in the Mediterranean when a shortcut to the south would have provided him with the greatest treasures in the world? The explanation is that he followed the path of previous Aryans. If there wasn't any previous expedition towards India he would have never dared to go to a dangerous land. Outnumbered several fold by the indigenous population he marched as if he was sightseeing rather than conquering India. Even by modern means of communication it would have been difficult to travel nowadays so fast through three continents. The truth is that he stopped over in those places where there were old Aryan settlements. The same as today we use gas stations in USA & Europe to tank our car with petrol on a trip to the country side. His losses were so minimal because most of those who died, expired under the harsh weather conditions. Alexander too would die from a contagious disease. Illyrian phalanges seemed more like boy scouts than warriors in India. The argument that India didn't know the horse and iron that he brought is nonsense. From recent archaeological data it comes out that India traded gold for iron and other heavy metals with Phoenicians who travelled to African shores before 10,000 years ago, almost 9,500 years before Alexander invaded India. We must remember there is no other language in the world that uses -ar as a suffix at the end of the word regularly as Albanian does for creating a noun from another noun. In other languages you create a noun from an adjective or a verb. There is no other language that uses ar for creating the most important word of all. GOLD. Aryans were called like this because of their fair golden hair. Their skin also sparked like the precious metal. In Albanian language there is another basic word ar which means ploughed land. It is also used by Albanians that founded Troy in Asia Minor. There it used to call Ares. In Europe Albanians used it to call the god of heaven Ouranos which is the distorted Greek word for Aryanus. From this word comes the word ari that Illyrians as good observers of the sky (for that matter they were called Illyrians) used to name the constellation of seven stars near which glitters the North Pole. is In Arabic Aryan is pronounced with a strong rr. Why? Because it is not an Arabic word. How could Aryans be Iranian tribes as historians insist when they were called the white invaders of India? The white man is the heir of the Alpine hominoid found in Neanderthal [ne ander dal = ridiculously enough this German name can be translated I come from the dream in Albanian language]. Most of historians were of Greek origin. For them history starts 3000 years ago when they can trace the first sings of Greek civilisation. They forget that humans were not created in one single day. It was a long process of evolution. It took millions of years for the white man to have the same aspect as it is today. It is very strange that Albanian name is preserved in very cold and high grounds. One might suspect that if the Albanians or Aryans are the direct descendants of the ruined continent, they must be afraid of the low lands. Albanian never retreated to the mountains from the countless enemies. The truth is the greatest resistance has been organised in Epirus against Rome. Epirus is not a mountainous area. The greatest spread of Dalmatians took place along the shores of Adriatic. Etruscans too settled in the most fertile land of Italy. It seems that primitive Albanians were found of the mountains in the beginning of their settlements in Illyrian peaks. In Montenegro and Crete there are the only Illyrian look-alike race with curly blond hair and rose coloured face. Although they spread also in warm countries. This is the reason that in Africa there was a nation called Elyria. My guess is that this group of ancient Albanians created the half white race of Arabs. But the bulk of white people moved towards highest peaks of Euro-Asia. The greatest puzzle of all is the history of Denmark. This country was called Jutland. I found this place quite accidentally as I was looking for other places in Europe that had similar toponymy as that one used in Albanian saga Epos I Kreshnikeve. I found out that in India the word Krishna was the name of a god. In Albania Kreshte comes from the composite krye eshte which means the head of the tribe or the peak of a mountain. While we in the bible call Christos Krisht, in Albania heroes are called Kreshnike. Well there are two words in the bible with Aryan origin that nobody until now has ever explained. They are called Urimm and Thummim. They were two stones that Moses inserted in his ephod. They were used like dice on the ground to talk with the El god. (Yll = El in Arabia and Africa) these two stones are the greatest mystery of the bible. No other language has helped the researchers of the Bible to solve it. Why? Because no serious historian has ever studied Albanian language which is the only language in the world to have a separate group of clauses called Deshirore or Mallkimore. It is similar to the imperative because it is used at the beginning only in the second person. Nowadays you can also use for literal effects in the first, second and third person singular and plural. Well urim is Deshirore and it comes from the word Ouranus. Only in Albanian language you address somebody with O wich is called thirror. To this day the priest is called urate. The blessing that he pronounces and also any kind of blessing, evenb that spelled by your father is called urate. The second word is Thummim which means Mallkim - curse. So coming back to the story of Albanian heroes that were called Christos or kreshnike, I found that many geographic names used in the epos were also places in Scandinavian countries. In Finnland there was the region of Lapp when we know that all south Albanians are called Lap (lab). Llap=tongue & talk too much. I was shocked when I found around 300 basic Albanian words in Finnish vocabulary. Lap in Finnish is derogative and insulting word. Probably the new comers from Asia despised the primitive old Albanian race. The greatest surprise was Denmark which was once called Ylland (Yl + land) = yll - star & land (lende-material, specially wooden matter) and also name of the tribe Tau-land. No wonder that Alexander the Great used the same Viking helmet with the horns of a bull. Well, in the south of Ylland lived the tribes of Angles or Engjells who invaded England. That is why the infinitive of English is so close with the clauses that Albanian language considers lidhore. That is the reason that the verb to be changed into are in Plural. The very word engjel - angel reminds us that the ancient people believed that eagles were the company of gods. Zeus, an Illyrian god had an eagle as his guard. Very often Zeus was transformed into an eagle. In the bible the ark of Moses was surrounded by the flying creatures. Amphisbena the strange creature found in BESTIARY THE SECOND FAMOUS BOOK AFTER THE BIBLE (in Greek Amphi means double) was an eagle with the body of a snake and if we look carefully the Albanian eagle has the tongue of a snake and the old symbol had a very prolonged body). It was born In Helio-polis in Egypt where the sun god El or Yl in Illyrian was worshipped.
The people who overlived the great tsunamis, that washed over at least the Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores, Ireland, Britain, escaped to the Mediterranean. First they bought - yes bought, not occupied by force Crete. They brought their civilization, the Minoan one, after their leader Minno to Crete. When during next centuries, the world slowly recovered from the catastrophe, they as great seafarers, conquered the whole area, that became to be called Indo-European. In East they went to India, in South they captured the coastal areas of Mediterranean. In Europe they conquered the whole coast from Italy, through Iberia until the Southern Sweden (Skaneland) [S'KANE LAND = THEY HAVE NO LAND] in North and Lethuania in North-East. Only the Greeks tried to stop them. And the thick forests of Twiskland [dushk land = forest land](Germany) were a hinder for them, especially because behind them there were still more dangerous people, the Finns, and the Magyars.
Alexander the Great destroyed their culture in East, and the Roman Empire in Southern Europe. When Christianity began to disperse to North, Charlemagne and others made havoc of the rest of their culture. Their last resort was Friesland (Frya's people) from Holland to Denmark. The Frisian language gave much to the later German and Swedish languages.
4. Written at Liudwerd, in the year 3449 after Atland was submerged - that is, according to the Christian reckoning, the year 1256.
3449-1256-1(no 0)=2194BC.
1. Minno was an ancient sea-king. He was a seer and a wizard, and he gave laws to the Kretans. He was born at Lindawrda, and after all his wanderings he had the happiness to die at Lindahem.
Minoan Crete.
17. "Ewa" means that sentiment which is implanted in the breast of every man in order that he may know what is right and what is wrong... "Ewa" [among Maori tribes in New Zealand it called iwi] has also another meaning; that is, tranquil, smooth...
18. ..."Ewa" is another symbol of the World, who remains always just and unchangeable.
19. "Ewa", eternal and unalterable, the sign of wisdom and rectitude, must be sought after by all pious people, and must be possessed by all judges.
1. When Nyhellenia [nje e lena, in Albanian language we still say lenesha for a woman that has been dishonoured, violated etc], whose real name was Minerva, was well established, and the Krekalanders loved her as well as our own people did, there came some princes and priests to her burgh and asked Minerva where her possessions lay.
2. Nyhellenia answered "... What I have inherited is the love of wisdom, justice, and freedom...".
3. The gentlemen went away laughing, and saying "Your humble servants, wise Hellenia."
4. But they missed their object, for the people took up this name as a name of honour... the good Krekalanders [greke - landers = Greek inhabitants] understood at once that it was calumny.
1. When I came away from Athenia [it is very important to recognize Albanian spelling E thenie] with my followers, we arrived at an island named by my crew Kreta,[Albanians say bertas me sa kam ne krye = scream with all my voice inside my head which comes from the legend of Zeus whose daughter Athena caused him a headache and VULCAN open his head. His daughter Athena jumped out with such load screams of joys that other gods were stunned. To this day the people of Crete have blond hair and blue eyes. The same type of people seen by indigenous tribes of Maori were considered to be fairies & ghosts the same as Spaniards were considered by Aztecs. When these people similar in aspect to those in Crete appeared in New Zealand they were playing flutes. Illyrians were certainly very found of music] because of the cries that the inhabitants raised on our arrival. When they really saw that we did not come to make war, they were quiet, so that at last I was able to buy a harbour in exchange for a boat and some iron implements, and a piece of land.
2. When we had been settled there a short time, and they discovered that we had no slaves, they were very much astonished; and when I explained to them that we had laws which made everybody equal, they wished to have the same... [Kanun {Canne in France, Canutu the first king of Denmark} of Leke Dukagjinit from which comes the name duke, while duke is part of PASKAJORE IN ALBANIAN LANGUAGE]
1. Before the bad time came our land was the most beautiful in the World. The sun rose higher, and there was seldom frost. The trees and shrubs produced various fruits, which are now lost. In the fields we had not only barley, oats, and rye, but wheat which shone like gold, and which could be baked in the sun's rays. The years were not counted, for one was as happy as another.
2. On one side we were bounded by the World Sea, on which no one but us might or could sail; on the other side we were hedged in by the broad Twiskland, through which Finda's (fiend = enemy in English language, fende = (n.)fart in Albanian) people dared not come on account of the thick forests and the wild beasts.
1. During the whole summer the sun had been hidden behind the clouds, as if unwilling to look upon the Earth. There was perpetual calm, and the damp mist hung like a wet sail over the houses and marshes. The air was heavy and oppressive, and in men's hearts was neither joy nor cheerfulness.
2. In the midst of this stillness the Earth began to tremble as if she was dying. The mountains opened to vomit forth fire and flames. Some sank into the bosom of the Earth, and in other places mountains rose out of the plain. Aldland [Albland = the white land], called Atland by the Sturian navigators???? who lived there, disappeared, and the wild waves rose so high over hill and dale that everything was buried in the sea. Many people were swallowed up by the Earth, and others who had escaped the fire perished in the water. (Greenland = Grin - land = toke e grire or ngrin land = toke e ngrire)
Atland=Aldland=Oldland. [This is pure nonsense. How can you call it Oldland when in Albanian sound at + land or fatherland]
3. It was also in Finda's land that the Earth vomited fire [we must remember that in volcanic areas the sulphurous gases really smell and burst like farts and the primitive Albanian who had to explain every natural phenomenon must have really believed that earth farted], and in Twiskland. Whole forests were burned one after the other, and when the wind blew from that quarter our land was covered with ashes. Rivers changed their course, and at their mouths new islands were formed of sand and drift.
4. During three years this continued, but at length it ceased, and forests became visible. Many countries were submerged, and in other places land rose above the sea, and the wood was destroyed through the half of Twiskland. Troops of Finda's people came and settled in the empty places. Our dispersed people were exterminated or made slaves. Then watchfulness was doubly impressed upon us, and time taught us that union is force.
5. In the year 101 after the submersion of Aldland a people came out of the east. That people was driven by another. Behind us, in Twiskland, they fell into disputes, divided into two parties, and each went its own way. Of the one no account has come to us, but the other came in the back of our Skenland {Sken - nder - be = the greatest Albanian king}, which was thinly inhabited, particularly the upper part. Therefore they were able to take possession of it without contest, and as they did no other harm, we would not make war about it.
Skenland=Skane/Skone (Southern Sweden). [s'kane land]
101 years = 2194-101=2093BC.
Did the other go back to Mediterranian? Has it something to do with the 3rd dynasty of Ur? (Of course they were the Alb people) At least the time matches.
There is a theory of Albanians as descendants of Atlant, the lost continent. One of the oldest Illyrian tribes though was called Taulant (thau land) = dry land and in Asia there was another Illyrian settlement which now is called Thailand. There are three places called Albany 1. A city near London [Albany; it was said that there the first Christian roman soldier was killed] 2. Central Albania [actually Albanoi = Alb banoi - there lived Alb or the Alp mountainous people, people that lived in the (h)ill there is no coincidence that the greatest Albanian colony in Asia near China and Turkmenistan is located in very high ground along the longest river called Il 3. A country in Caucasus region near Caspian Sea. Why did Alexander the Great rush to India? Africa was certainly richer in gold and specially in diamonds and it would be much easier to conquer the black nation rather than the populated and well fortified India. Why should he go through so many perils, pass difficult paths through treacherous mountains when he had the great fleet in the Mediterranean when a shortcut to the south would have provided him with the greatest treasures in the world? The explanation is that he followed the path of previous Aryans. If there wasn't any previous expedition towards India he would have never dared to go to a dangerous land. Outnumbered several fold by the indigenous population he marched as if he was sightseeing rather than conquering India. Even by modern means of communication it would have been difficult to travel nowadays so fast through three continents. The truth is that he stopped over in those places where there were old Aryan settlements. The same as today we use gas stations in USA & Europe to tank our car with petrol on a trip to the country side. His losses were so minimal because most of those who died, expired under the harsh weather conditions. Alexander too would die from a contagious disease. Illyrian phalanges seemed more like boy scouts than warriors in India. The argument that India didn't know the horse and iron that he brought is nonsense. From recent archaeological data it comes out that India traded gold for iron and other heavy metals with Phoenicians who travelled to African shores before 10,000 years ago, almost 9,500 years before Alexander invaded India. We must remember there is no other language in the world that uses -ar as a suffix at the end of the word regularly as Albanian does for creating a noun from another noun. In other languages you create a noun from an adjective or a verb. There is no other language that uses ar for creating the most important word of all. GOLD. Aryans were called like this because of their fair golden hair. Their skin also sparked like the precious metal. In Albanian language there is another basic word ar which means ploughed land. It is also used by Albanians that founded Troy in Asia Minor. There it used to call Ares. In Europe Albanians used it to call the god of heaven Ouranos which is the distorted Greek word for Aryanus. From this word comes the word ari that Illyrians as good observers of the sky (for that matter they were called Illyrians) used to name the constellation of seven stars near which glitters the North Pole. is In Arabic Aryan is pronounced with a strong rr. Why? Because it is not an Arabic word. How could Aryans be Iranian tribes as historians insist when they were called the white invaders of India? The white man is the heir of the Alpine hominoid found in Neanderthal [ne ander dal = ridiculously enough this German name can be translated I come from the dream in Albanian language]. Most of historians were of Greek origin. For them history starts 3000 years ago when they can trace the first sings of Greek civilisation. They forget that humans were not created in one single day. It was a long process of evolution. It took millions of years for the white man to have the same aspect as it is today. It is very strange that Albanian name is preserved in very cold and high grounds. One might suspect that if the Albanians or Aryans are the direct descendants of the ruined continent, they must be afraid of the low lands. Albanian never retreated to the mountains from the countless enemies. The truth is the greatest resistance has been organised in Epirus against Rome. Epirus is not a mountainous area. The greatest spread of Dalmatians took place along the shores of Adriatic. Etruscans too settled in the most fertile land of Italy. It seems that primitive Albanians were found of the mountains in the beginning of their settlements in Illyrian peaks. In Montenegro and Crete there are the only Illyrian look-alike race with curly blond hair and rose coloured face. Although they spread also in warm countries. This is the reason that in Africa there was a nation called Elyria. My guess is that this group of ancient Albanians created the half white race of Arabs. But the bulk of white people moved towards highest peaks of Euro-Asia. The greatest puzzle of all is the history of Denmark. This country was called Jutland. I found this place quite accidentally as I was looking for other places in Europe that had similar toponymy as that one used in Albanian saga Epos I Kreshnikeve. I found out that in India the word Krishna was the name of a god. In Albania Kreshte comes from the composite krye eshte which means the head of the tribe or the peak of a mountain. While we in the bible call Christos Krisht, in Albania heroes are called Kreshnike. Well there are two words in the bible with Aryan origin that nobody until now has ever explained. They are called Urimm and Thummim. They were two stones that Moses inserted in his ephod. They were used like dice on the ground to talk with the El god. (Yll = El in Arabia and Africa) these two stones are the greatest mystery of the bible. No other language has helped the researchers of the Bible to solve it. Why? Because no serious historian has ever studied Albanian language which is the only language in the world to have a separate group of clauses called Deshirore or Mallkimore. It is similar to the imperative because it is used at the beginning only in the second person. Nowadays you can also use for literal effects in the first, second and third person singular and plural. Well urim is Deshirore and it comes from the word Ouranus. Only in Albanian language you address somebody with O wich is called thirror. To this day the priest is called urate. The blessing that he pronounces and also any kind of blessing, evenb that spelled by your father is called urate. The second word is Thummim which means Mallkim - curse. So coming back to the story of Albanian heroes that were called Christos or kreshnike, I found that many geographic names used in the epos were also places in Scandinavian countries. In Finnland there was the region of Lapp when we know that all south Albanians are called Lap (lab). Llap=tongue & talk too much. I was shocked when I found around 300 basic Albanian words in Finnish vocabulary. Lap in Finnish is derogative and insulting word. Probably the new comers from Asia despised the primitive old Albanian race. The greatest surprise was Denmark which was once called Ylland (Yl + land) = yll - star & land (lende-material, specially wooden matter) and also name of the tribe Tau-land. No wonder that Alexander the Great used the same Viking helmet with the horns of a bull. Well, in the south of Ylland lived the tribes of Angles or Engjells who invaded England. That is why the infinitive of English is so close with the clauses that Albanian language considers lidhore. That is the reason that the verb to be changed into are in Plural. The very word engjel - angel reminds us that the ancient people believed that eagles were the company of gods. Zeus, an Illyrian god had an eagle as his guard. Very often Zeus was transformed into an eagle. In the bible the ark of Moses was surrounded by the flying creatures. Amphisbena the strange creature found in BESTIARY THE SECOND FAMOUS BOOK AFTER THE BIBLE (in Greek Amphi means double) was an eagle with the body of a snake and if we look carefully the Albanian eagle has the tongue of a snake and the old symbol had a very prolonged body). It was born In Helio-polis in Egypt where the sun god El or Yl in Illyrian was worshipped.
The people who overlived the great tsunamis, that washed over at least the Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores, Ireland, Britain, escaped to the Mediterranean. First they bought - yes bought, not occupied by force Crete. They brought their civilization, the Minoan one, after their leader Minno to Crete. When during next centuries, the world slowly recovered from the catastrophe, they as great seafarers, conquered the whole area, that became to be called Indo-European. In East they went to India, in South they captured the coastal areas of Mediterranean. In Europe they conquered the whole coast from Italy, through Iberia until the Southern Sweden (Skaneland) [S'KANE LAND = THEY HAVE NO LAND] in North and Lethuania in North-East. Only the Greeks tried to stop them. And the thick forests of Twiskland [dushk land = forest land](Germany) were a hinder for them, especially because behind them there were still more dangerous people, the Finns, and the Magyars.
Alexander the Great destroyed their culture in East, and the Roman Empire in Southern Europe. When Christianity began to disperse to North, Charlemagne and others made havoc of the rest of their culture. Their last resort was Friesland (Frya's people) from Holland to Denmark. The Frisian language gave much to the later German and Swedish languages.
4. Written at Liudwerd, in the year 3449 after Atland was submerged - that is, according to the Christian reckoning, the year 1256.
3449-1256-1(no 0)=2194BC.
1. Minno was an ancient sea-king. He was a seer and a wizard, and he gave laws to the Kretans. He was born at Lindawrda, and after all his wanderings he had the happiness to die at Lindahem.
Minoan Crete.
17. "Ewa" means that sentiment which is implanted in the breast of every man in order that he may know what is right and what is wrong... "Ewa" [among Maori tribes in New Zealand it called iwi] has also another meaning; that is, tranquil, smooth...
18. ..."Ewa" is another symbol of the World, who remains always just and unchangeable.
19. "Ewa", eternal and unalterable, the sign of wisdom and rectitude, must be sought after by all pious people, and must be possessed by all judges.
1. When Nyhellenia [nje e lena, in Albanian language we still say lenesha for a woman that has been dishonoured, violated etc], whose real name was Minerva, was well established, and the Krekalanders loved her as well as our own people did, there came some princes and priests to her burgh and asked Minerva where her possessions lay.
2. Nyhellenia answered "... What I have inherited is the love of wisdom, justice, and freedom...".
3. The gentlemen went away laughing, and saying "Your humble servants, wise Hellenia."
4. But they missed their object, for the people took up this name as a name of honour... the good Krekalanders [greke - landers = Greek inhabitants] understood at once that it was calumny.
1. When I came away from Athenia [it is very important to recognize Albanian spelling E thenie] with my followers, we arrived at an island named by my crew Kreta,[Albanians say bertas me sa kam ne krye = scream with all my voice inside my head which comes from the legend of Zeus whose daughter Athena caused him a headache and VULCAN open his head. His daughter Athena jumped out with such load screams of joys that other gods were stunned. To this day the people of Crete have blond hair and blue eyes. The same type of people seen by indigenous tribes of Maori were considered to be fairies & ghosts the same as Spaniards were considered by Aztecs. When these people similar in aspect to those in Crete appeared in New Zealand they were playing flutes. Illyrians were certainly very found of music] because of the cries that the inhabitants raised on our arrival. When they really saw that we did not come to make war, they were quiet, so that at last I was able to buy a harbour in exchange for a boat and some iron implements, and a piece of land.
2. When we had been settled there a short time, and they discovered that we had no slaves, they were very much astonished; and when I explained to them that we had laws which made everybody equal, they wished to have the same... [Kanun {Canne in France, Canutu the first king of Denmark} of Leke Dukagjinit from which comes the name duke, while duke is part of PASKAJORE IN ALBANIAN LANGUAGE]
1. Before the bad time came our land was the most beautiful in the World. The sun rose higher, and there was seldom frost. The trees and shrubs produced various fruits, which are now lost. In the fields we had not only barley, oats, and rye, but wheat which shone like gold, and which could be baked in the sun's rays. The years were not counted, for one was as happy as another.
2. On one side we were bounded by the World Sea, on which no one but us might or could sail; on the other side we were hedged in by the broad Twiskland, through which Finda's (fiend = enemy in English language, fende = (n.)fart in Albanian) people dared not come on account of the thick forests and the wild beasts.
1. During the whole summer the sun had been hidden behind the clouds, as if unwilling to look upon the Earth. There was perpetual calm, and the damp mist hung like a wet sail over the houses and marshes. The air was heavy and oppressive, and in men's hearts was neither joy nor cheerfulness.
2. In the midst of this stillness the Earth began to tremble as if she was dying. The mountains opened to vomit forth fire and flames. Some sank into the bosom of the Earth, and in other places mountains rose out of the plain. Aldland [Albland = the white land], called Atland by the Sturian navigators???? who lived there, disappeared, and the wild waves rose so high over hill and dale that everything was buried in the sea. Many people were swallowed up by the Earth, and others who had escaped the fire perished in the water. (Greenland = Grin - land = toke e grire or ngrin land = toke e ngrire)
Atland=Aldland=Oldland. [This is pure nonsense. How can you call it Oldland when in Albanian sound at + land or fatherland]
3. It was also in Finda's land that the Earth vomited fire [we must remember that in volcanic areas the sulphurous gases really smell and burst like farts and the primitive Albanian who had to explain every natural phenomenon must have really believed that earth farted], and in Twiskland. Whole forests were burned one after the other, and when the wind blew from that quarter our land was covered with ashes. Rivers changed their course, and at their mouths new islands were formed of sand and drift.
4. During three years this continued, but at length it ceased, and forests became visible. Many countries were submerged, and in other places land rose above the sea, and the wood was destroyed through the half of Twiskland. Troops of Finda's people came and settled in the empty places. Our dispersed people were exterminated or made slaves. Then watchfulness was doubly impressed upon us, and time taught us that union is force.
5. In the year 101 after the submersion of Aldland a people came out of the east. That people was driven by another. Behind us, in Twiskland, they fell into disputes, divided into two parties, and each went its own way. Of the one no account has come to us, but the other came in the back of our Skenland {Sken - nder - be = the greatest Albanian king}, which was thinly inhabited, particularly the upper part. Therefore they were able to take possession of it without contest, and as they did no other harm, we would not make war about it.
Skenland=Skane/Skone (Southern Sweden). [s'kane land]
101 years = 2194-101=2093BC.
Did the other go back to Mediterranian? Has it something to do with the 3rd dynasty of Ur? (Of course they were the Alb people) At least the time matches.
Did you know that Etruscan is Albanian? Here are some examples from "Ancient Linguistic Associations in the Mediterranean," Nermin Vlora Falaschi, Epigrapnic Society Occasional Papers Volume 23, 1998.
Etruscan Albanian English
Sarcophagus from the Arch. Museum in Siena
Arno Arno Creator
se se since
n në in the
yi yj stars
na na for us
ye je you are
cume kumtime commemoration
resa rezava of the Rays
Meaning: Creator, since among the stars you are for us, [you deserve] the commemoration of the Rese [Etruscans].
Inscription No. 31 from south Portugal
arnoa arnoa From the Creator
izna isona protection
i i to him
atkon takon is due
thi thi peerless
Meaning: Because he is peerless, to him is due protection from the Creator.
Temple inscription at Apollonia in Albania:
fimia Fëmia the child
hiyneron hyjnëron is deified
haire hajër for the good
Meaning: The child [entrusted to this little temple] has become divine. Be it for the Supreme Good.
Inscription from Durrës:
eynoia e yjnoia deify it
bene bëne make it
toy tuajn thine
haire Hajër for the Good
Meaning: [And I beg Thee, my Lord] deify his soul and make it completely thine. Be it for the Surpeme Good.
Stelle No. 22 from southern Portugal:
ia ia I have
apa apa dedicated
yynoriz yjnoris to the celestial beings
ni në in
ro ro life
Meaning: I have dedicated [this stele] to the celestial beings while I was still living.
Etruscan Albanian English
Sarcophagus from the Arch. Museum in Siena
Arno Arno Creator
se se since
n në in the
yi yj stars
na na for us
ye je you are
cume kumtime commemoration
resa rezava of the Rays
Meaning: Creator, since among the stars you are for us, [you deserve] the commemoration of the Rese [Etruscans].
Inscription No. 31 from south Portugal
arnoa arnoa From the Creator
izna isona protection
i i to him
atkon takon is due
thi thi peerless
Meaning: Because he is peerless, to him is due protection from the Creator.
Temple inscription at Apollonia in Albania:
fimia Fëmia the child
hiyneron hyjnëron is deified
haire hajër for the good
Meaning: The child [entrusted to this little temple] has become divine. Be it for the Supreme Good.
Inscription from Durrës:
eynoia e yjnoia deify it
bene bëne make it
toy tuajn thine
haire Hajër for the Good
Meaning: [And I beg Thee, my Lord] deify his soul and make it completely thine. Be it for the Surpeme Good.
Stelle No. 22 from southern Portugal:
ia ia I have
apa apa dedicated
yynoriz yjnoris to the celestial beings
ni në in
ro ro life
Meaning: I have dedicated [this stele] to the celestial beings while I was still living.
o_O;; That was scary.