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Constantin, are you a copy-cat or an MPD?
In other words, did you copy Thyejdoren's post, or are you Thyejdoren signing in as two people?
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Name of places and greek gods from the albanian language.Ivayla i am the Breaker Hand = Thyejdoren. If any here dont belive that all this 60 name aint albanish buy your self a english-albanish dictionary and see for you self if im wrong or not. Caprice have you ever heard about the dance Luleander well the illirians invented the dance, the name is dervied from the illirian LULE ANDER in albanish LULE ENDERR meaning DREAMING OF FLOWERS many girls are named LULEJETA meaning LIFE OF A FLOWER, there some fue girls that is named LULEANDRA. Satu din svenska tönt tror inte att jag förstår vad du säger jag kan snacka flera spåk. The albanian civilazation have reached many culturs and influnce them. The mame England is dervied from the albanish ENGJELL meaning ANGEL. ENGLAND means THE LAND OF THE ANGELS. Holland or even know as NETHERLAND or in swedish NEDERLÄNDERNA the name is dervied from the ilirian NE ANDER LAND in albanish NE ENDERR LAND meaning IN THE DREAM LAND. A place in Danmark is call'd YLLAND the name is dervied from the albanish YLL LAND meaning THE LAND OF THE STARS. A plce in Sweden is call'd Skaneland the name i s allso dervied from the albanish S'KANE LAND meaning THEY DONT HAVE NO LAND. The name of the MEDITERRANEAN SEA is dervied from the albanish ME DITE RRAN meaning THE FOLIN
From Hesiod: c.700 B.C., the opening lines of 'Theogony', 'Genesis of the Gods'."Verily at the first Chaos came to be, but next wide-bosomed Earth (Ge),
the ever-sure foundation of all the deathless ones who hold the peaks of
snowy olympus, and dim Tartarus in the depth of the wide-path Earth, and Eros

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Illyrian mythologyINTRODUCTION…
…is unfortunately needed, this time. The thing is composed of three parts, one of which is composed of two parts. The first one made some sense but didn't live up to expectations, mainly because *mumbles* I-forgot-what-I-indented-to-write-next *sigh*. The second and third parts are a uniquely sublime display of half-witted-ness and incoherence, let’s just forget about them. The fourth part is about cockroaches. I quite like it. The fifth (or the fourth, depends on how you count it) is a little addenda I felt like adding because “Some Things Were Just Too Much”. It’s mostly pointless, anyway. On the whole, this is the most embarrassing display of pathetic incoherence I have ever produced. Hopefully, it won’t get any worse. I won’t correct it anymore basically ‘cause I lost heart for it, completely. But I wrote the Albanian Etymological Dictionary thing instead.
“Man is good, people are bad.”
D-chan after a certain Jean Jacques Rousseau“Man is bad, people are worse.”
Sara, after sneering at D-chanWhen thinking about the reasons of the current situation in Kosovo – or rather what is left of it- it is most vital to always bear in mind that there are some cruel streaks in human nature that are not due to post-Czarnobyl mutations and timely interventions of the powers-that-be .An average man, who, we should not forget, is a species of animal, is a flexible creature who, if encouraged properly, can easily make habit of something, genocide included. An average man is, too, a simple, yet self-contented creature, who’d rather blame his own, to put it mildly, lack of success on Jeanne D’Arc, King Henry VII or Quetzalcoatl, the god, rather than himself.

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Jesus Christ what IS this!? Are you a member of a sect or what!?Och så kan du sluta kalla Satu för "svenska tönt", hon är ingen tönt, och dessutom är hon tysk! Jag är däremot svensk och skall be att få upplysa dig om att det heter Skåne och Jylland, inte Skaneland och Ylland.
Netherlands means "the low lands", England is derived from Anglia (Latin, I think), which means "angle" and Mediterranean means "in the middle of the earth".Stop this right now, please!
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AnglesJust jumping in here...England's derived from Anglia/Land of Angles. It means "angel." I don't know if yours was an accidental mispelling of that or if you really meant "angle."Anyways. The Angles were a tribe so named by the Romans because of their pale appearance. The Romans thought they looked like angels.Michelle
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Also Angles are one of the first people to set home in England.
The Angles came from the east and developed in the artistical aspect and became the origings of the Anglo culture.
If your name is Angles... Be sure you are a pure 100% British
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Svensk tönt... vilken väluppfostrad, bussig småpojke! ;)I början trodde man väl att han var lite knäpp helt enkelt... Bäst att ignorera honom! Tack för att du skrev det du skrev, Caprice!Ignore this guy!Satu, svenska tönten ;)
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There is a theory of Albanians as descendants of Atlant, the lost continent. One of the oldest Illyrian tribes though was called Taulant (thau land) = dry land and in Asia there was another Illyrian settlement which now is called Thailand. There are three places called Albany 1. A city near London [Albany; it was said that there the first Christian roman soldier was killed] 2. Central Albania [actually Albanoi = Alb banoi - there lived Alb or the Alp mountainous people, people that lived in the (h)ill there is no coincidence that the greatest Albanian colony in Asia near China and Turkmenistan is located in very high ground along the longest river called Il 3. A country in Caucasus region near Caspian Sea. Why did Alexander the Great rush to India? Africa was certainly richer in gold and specially in diamonds and it would be much easier to conquer the black nation rather than the populated and well fortified India. Why should he go through so many perils, pass difficult paths through treacherous mountains when he had the great fleet in the Mediterranean when a shortcut to the south would have provided him with the greatest treasures in the world? The explanation is that he followed the path of previous Aryans. If there wasn't any previous expedition towards India he would have never dared to go to a dangerous land. Outnumbered several fold by the indigenous population he marched as if he was sightseeing rather than conquering India. Even by modern means of communication it would have been difficult to travel nowadays so fast through three continents. The truth is that he stopped over in those places where there were old Aryan settlements. The same as today we use gas stations in USA & Europe to tank our car with petrol on a trip to the country side. His losses were so minimal because most of those who died, expired under the harsh weather conditions.

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Did you know that Etruscan is Albanian? Here are some examples from "Ancient Linguistic Associations in the Mediterranean," Nermin Vlora Falaschi, Epigrapnic Society Occasional Papers Volume 23, 1998.Etruscan Albanian EnglishSarcophagus from the Arch. Museum in Siena
Arno Arno Creator
se se since
n në in the
yi yj stars
na na for us
ye je you are
cume kumtime commemoration
resa rezava of the RaysMeaning: Creator, since among the stars you are for us, [you deserve] the commemoration of the Rese [Etruscans].Inscription No. 31 from south Portugal
arnoa arnoa From the Creator
izna isona protection
i i to him
atkon takon is due
thi thi peerlessMeaning: Because he is peerless, to him is due protection from the Creator.Temple inscription at Apollonia in Albania:
fimia Fëmia the child
hiyneron hyjnëron is deified
haire hajër for the goodMeaning: The child [entrusted to this little temple] has become divine. Be it for the Supreme Good.Inscription from Durrës:
eynoia e yjnoia deify it
bene bëne make it
toy tuajn thine
haire Hajër for the GoodMeaning: [And I beg Thee, my Lord] deify his soul and make it completely thine. Be it for the Surpeme Good.Stelle No. 22 from southern Portugal:
ia ia I have
apa apa dedicated
yynoriz yjnoris to the celestial beings
ni në in
ro ro lifeMeaning: I have dedicated [this stele] to the celestial beings while I was still living.
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o_O;; That was scary.a
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I am smittenand ROTFL
Please continue...
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This *is* fun!
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