This name isn't in the database, but does anyone know what it means and how to pronounce it? Thanks :)
Currently in Spanish name phase - entering into Czech/Russian phase (maybe)
Currently in Spanish name phase - entering into Czech/Russian phase (maybe)
Bellerophon (âåëëåñïöῶí) or Bellerophontes (âåëëåñïöüíôçò) was a hero of Greek mythology, "the greatest hero and slayer of monsters
meaning is:He has killed a shadowy "enemy", a "Belleros"
pronounced velere-FON-tis (in greek)
meaning is:He has killed a shadowy "enemy", a "Belleros"
pronounced velere-FON-tis (in greek)
I don't know what it means, except that he's the guy from Greek mythology who killed the Chimera. Maybe someone around here who knows Greek would be able to figure that out.
I don't know what it means, except that he's the guy from Greek mythology who killed the Chimera. Maybe someone around here who knows Greek would be able to figure that out.