Hello, I'm looking for the name Sephrah, Sefra, not sure how it's spelled but that is how it's pronounced .... my fiance says it's in the bible but I cannot find it on this site. I was wondering if it's spelled differently or anyone knows the meaning.
~ I'm always looking for a challenge. I don't see a point in embarking on something unless it seems impossible ~ Cate Blanchett

My dad also said that it is from the bible. I am named as Sephrah, which is actually Zipporah in the Bible. Zipporah or Tzipora is mentioned in the Book of Exodus as the wife of Moses, and the daughter of Reuel/Jethro, the priest and prince of Midian. I think that is why I was called as Sephrah is because of how the actors/actresses in the movie called "The Ten commandments" pronounced it in that way.
sefra is from the Bible. She was the wife of Moses. My cats name os Sefra.