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Meaning/origin of Nessime
I've never been able to find my name in any database. It's Nessime (pronounced nuh-SEE-may), and the gender is female. I'm not sure what the ethnic background is, so as far as I know it could be related to NESSA, but I'm not really sure. If anyone knows could you please tell me? Thank you!
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there is a Hebrew name Nissim means "Miracles"
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Nessime appears to be a variation of the Quenyen name, Nessima or Nessimë which means youthful. Quenyen was an invented language, invented by J. R. R. Tolkien, for his famed 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy. Were your parents Lord of the Rings fans?I've come across several name sources that lead to the same conclusion. Nessime/Nessima/Nessime with the dots over the 'e' all seem to come from a fictional elvish language.
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Great research work, Quigonjecca. Tolkien also wrote that the umlat (two dots) on an e, as in Nessimë, should be pronounced "ay"- just how the questioner's name is pronounced.
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Yeah, they were pretty fond of Tolkien. Thanks for your help!
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Sorry, no answer, a google search only led me to this.
Good luck!
JULIA (f.) - feminine form of JULIAN (q.v.), thus Yulien; or Nessime (see JULIAN) JULIAN (m.) - Yulion, see NWHAGEN; I was suggested that it may also come from Latin 'youthful', if so, than Nessimon (nessima "youthful") So I guess Julie = Yulie (boring) or Nessime (sounds negative).
JULIAN: One of several variants of the Latin name Julius. According to one book at least, it means "descendant of Julus" (a king). Knowing that in Latin j corresponds to y in Tolkien's transliterations, this name can be Quenyarized as Yul (dropping the Latin nominative ending). To this name we add -ion "-son" (YÔ). Yulion sounds almost like Julian, doesn't it? Actually, most books I've read say "Julius" means "downy-haired" - I suppose that could be taken to mean "youthful. I've never heard the "descendant of Julus" version.

This message was edited 12/26/2007, 12:25 AM

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