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A current PGA golf player has the first name of Tjaart. Is there an equivalent in English or another language?Thanks.FK
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Hi FK,Tjaart is a spelling variant of Tjaard, a Frisian short form of the German names Diethard (people + hard, strong) and Dietward (people + guard)./ Satu
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Thanks Satu.
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Thanks for the good intentions. I just put that name in a serch engine and was surprised at the number of people, mostly in the Netherlands, that have Tjaart as their first name.FK
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It sounds Dutch or Scandinavian to me. Are you sure it couldn't be Tjeerd or Tjeert instead (both Dutch-Frisian names).
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It's not Scandinavian. Love is needing to be loved
~John Lennon
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It could be Dutch or Frisian.Love is needing to be loved
~John Lennon

This message was edited 9/4/2005, 2:05 PM

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It sounds made up to me.
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Ive never heard of such.
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