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Re: German / Dutch Pronunciation
The sound at the end of Wiebke is the tricky "schwa" which is written in many ways in many languages. It's pretty much "uh" in English -- it's the u in "but", which is probably why someone transliterated it by using just a u.Anyway, the pronunciation is, as someone else said, pretty much VEEB-kuh.~ Caitlín

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Thank you. It's odd I use this site alot and when I see in the pronunciation area for example the name Catriona (ka-TREE-na, ka-TREE-o-na) I think kah and nah, but with names like Wiebke (VEEB-ku) I think it is koo not kuh. I just wonder if others have seen the ku and thought koo as well. I usually myself put the silent h when writing the pronunciation, just to help people not get confused. That's one thing Mike might think about doing in the future, though he might have already done some of that.

This message was edited 8/26/2007, 7:51 PM

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