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Re: Strange names...
Xuchilbara is certainly "Aztec". You have chanced on a very bad source. Xochitl - also a first name - is Aztecan for flower. In real Aztecan there is no "b", so I cannot tell where from "bara" has been taken.
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Aha! I knew I could find someone who'd know what they're talking about. ^_^The names were originally used in Japan, and so "Xuchilbara" could be a mistransliteration or misunderstanding. As I would pronounce them, "Xuchil" and "Xochitl" sound rather similar, though not very much...Also, I believe I forgot to mention this in my first post, but that name has also been written "Xuchilpaba", which again includes the "b", but perhaps it's closer to something... real? lol...

This message was edited 8/19/2005, 11:49 AM

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