I was quite surprised that Anjuli isn't listed in this database....
It's my favourite name after Leilani. Its origin is in India and it means "white, knowing, beautiful, sent from God..."
What do you think of this name??
PS. A variant of Anjuli is Anjali, meaning the same.
It's my favourite name after Leilani. Its origin is in India and it means "white, knowing, beautiful, sent from God..."
What do you think of this name??
PS. A variant of Anjuli is Anjali, meaning the same.

If you want people's opinions of a name, there's a message board just for that -
If Anjuli is a form of Anjali, you'd be patently incorrect about the meaning according to this database.
Does anyone else know if Anjuli ~ Anjali?
If Anjuli is a form of Anjali, you'd be patently incorrect about the meaning according to this database.
Does anyone else know if Anjuli ~ Anjali?
I always thought Anjuli in the Indian context was a variant of Anjali; in fact, I have never seen Anjuli in India because the tendency in most places in India would be to pronounce it with the -u- as in English put if spelt that way. The actual pronounciation in Sanskrit had the indeterminate vowels schwa (the a in English about, for example) at both positions. The stress on the last short i is not heard in modern Indian languages. the n is soft and palatal that is heard in some Spanish words, the j and l are like English.
As to the meaning, the database here, not surprisingly, has it right. The root is anj, cognate with and meaning the same as the root of unguent. From that anjali meant the hands to soothe or spread with etc., but it is used in the specific context of the two hands held together with the palms together forming a shallow cup. This was a common gesture for both granting and for supplication, and the word could be used for both. In modern Indian languages, the most common association is with offerring flowers to the gods which are dropped (never thrown) from cupped hands; and by metonymy refers to the thing offerred, though, especially in north Indian languages, it is still recognizably a metonymy.
As to the meaning, the database here, not surprisingly, has it right. The root is anj, cognate with and meaning the same as the root of unguent. From that anjali meant the hands to soothe or spread with etc., but it is used in the specific context of the two hands held together with the palms together forming a shallow cup. This was a common gesture for both granting and for supplication, and the word could be used for both. In modern Indian languages, the most common association is with offerring flowers to the gods which are dropped (never thrown) from cupped hands; and by metonymy refers to the thing offerred, though, especially in north Indian languages, it is still recognizably a metonymy.
I didn't quite get how you actually pronounce Anjuli....
I know a girl called Anjuli, and she pronounces herself (and so I'd do it instinctually) like it's spelled, but -juli not like the name Julie, but with a short "u"
Is that right??
I know a girl called Anjuli, and she pronounces herself (and so I'd do it instinctually) like it's spelled, but -juli not like the name Julie, but with a short "u"
Is that right??
The pronounication depends on the language.
For example, to get the Hindi pronounciation, think of the a- in the English word about. Now use that sound in both the a's of anjali. It is a short sound, but not the sounds you hear in cat, not, but, or put (out of these, the sound in but is closest).
In Bengali on the other hand, the same name is pronounced anjoli, the a- is now in awe, and the -o- as in cold, except all three syllables are almost equally long, and equally unstressed.
For example, to get the Hindi pronounciation, think of the a- in the English word about. Now use that sound in both the a's of anjali. It is a short sound, but not the sounds you hear in cat, not, but, or put (out of these, the sound in but is closest).
In Bengali on the other hand, the same name is pronounced anjoli, the a- is now in awe, and the -o- as in cold, except all three syllables are almost equally long, and equally unstressed.
you're really clever :-)
Ta for that :-)
Ta for that :-)