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I cheaked the name Aja for its popularity and it was quite popular in the US. But when I cheaked the meaning it said it was originally Hindi meaning goat. So I was wondering if Americans are using the name or there are a lot of Hindis living in the US that name their girls Aja? So is Aja now being used as an American name? Shania Twain named her daughter Aja and shes American. Also does anybody know if Aja has a different origin and meaning?
(ps. Aja is pronounced A-jah, but the J is pronounced how Indians say Raja)
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The goat is a symbol of the Sun in India, where the day star is called Aja Ekapad ("the goat of the single foot"). Aja means not only "goat", but also "unborn" (a-ja). As such, it is the symbol of primordial, unorganized matter, the same as Prakriti. The goat is also associated with the vajra, an image of the Fallen Sun. Interestingly enough, this association prevailed not only in India, but also in China, Tibet, and even Greece.
Meaning unborn, eternal Brahma, the zodiacal sign of Aries, a name of Moon and of Kamadeva. Born from the heart of Brahma, it is also known as Atmabhu, self-existent. It stands for the manifest deity, which is an outer cover of the ever concealed. It represents the primeval thirst for sentient existence personified by Kamadeva (q.v.).
Aries is known as Aja, which induces externalisation process and produces the energy to blossom in splendour. Aja is an epithet applied to many gods. It is also, the name of a prince in the solar race of kings sometimes he is said to be the son of Raghu and at other times the son of
Dilip the son of Raghu. He redeemed a celestial musician, a gandharva, transformed as a mad elephant. On his release, the gandharva gave Aja certain arrows, which enabled him to win and marry Indumati, the daughter of the King of Vidarbha, in a Swayamvara (where a bride herself selects her husband). When their son Dasharath, the father of Rama, grew up, Aja ascended to Indra's heaven.
[(Aja = ram) + (Eka = one) + (Pada = foot)]. Presiding deity of Purva Bhadrapada (q.v.), a primary Rudra born of Kashyapa and Surabhi, represents the sure-footed goat. It is transcendent cosmic energy, referred in the Atharva Veda along with Rohit, primarily concerned with producing heaven and earth. Ajaikapada establishes itself as the Sun to nourish the universe. (See Ahirbudhanya)
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My name is Aja and my Aunt got it off the Steele Dan album. Pronouced a-juh. The meaning I found was goat also. In African it means the Priestess of Mecca.
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Aja is the name I have choosen for my unborn daughter...
I can't quite remember what cultures this info is from but I do know that "Aja" also means: "Beautiful one", and "Spirited one". I'm not even gonna let her know it means goat..hehehe
I found this out just by searching the meaning of name's on Baby name web sites.
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Aja is a name that comes from the west coast of Africa. In the Mandinka language of The Gambia, as well as the Fula, Wolof, and Jola tribes, it means a female pilgrim, in Ibo and Yuroba (west african languages) it means "lion" and in Yuroba it is also the name of a female god who teaches her follwers the medicinal usages of herbs and plants. Also in arabic, it means a high priestess who leads her people to Mecca which is the holy land.
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My mother and father had given me the name when the band Steely Dan had come out with a song named Aja in 1977. My father in 1978, had dome some research and had somehow come up with the meaning of "beautiful lady". He also found that it was Greek! Either way, I'm and aries, so even if the true meaning is goat, I will always have horns!!!! :)
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The hindi name is AJAY, meaning one that cannot be defeated. No hindi speaking person names their kid AJA
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Shania has a boy and his name is "Eja" (just like Aja and Asia). Just had to clear that up :)
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Also... Shania Twain isn't American, she's Canadian :)
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I think Shania Twain named her SON Aja but I agree that it sounds quite feminine.It does mean 'Goat' in Hindi but I found the following comments posted on a name site:"Aja is an awesome name that means "Pretty One" in Korean and "Spirited One" in Swahili!" Of course I don't know if this is accurate or not."Nickname for Ajalon, where the sun and the moon stood still, as Joshua commanded.""It is the name of my husband's favorite album from his favorite band, Steely Dan!"
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Hello. As you can see, my name is Aja. I've always known that my name meant goat in Hindu and I was always angry about. All my friends had names with great meanings, Akil, Angela, Marc. And I was pleased to see that Aja also means great things in other languages. I also did some background work and found that it does actually mean what you said it does. And from now on when someone asks what my name means, I'll tell them "spirited one"!P.s. My dad named me after the Steely Dan album...
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My name is Aja i was named after the Steeley Dan song. I would like to think that there are other meanings for my name besides goat....because i love my name
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I'm an Aja too! Also from the Steely Dan song/album.
A friend of mine said that he read somewhere that Aja also means 'one who lives in her own existence'
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Hehehe -- rarely do I get to "meet" other Aja's. Do you know where your friend read that the name means "one who lives in her own existence"?
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