How do YOU pronounce the name Carys? I have heard a couple different ways and I want to know which one is the correct one. Thanks!
This should be on the opinions board... it is asking for people opinion on how they pronounce the name. You would, therefore, get more answers if you asked there too.
I would pronounce Carys as KA-ris with a short 'a' and a short 'i' sound.
There may not be a 'correct' pronounciation as such, more a majority of pronounciation. For example you can't tell Naomi who says her name is pronounced wrong because she pronounces it nay-O-mai (mai as in the word 'my')and not the majority of Australia (where I'm from) who pronounce it as nay-O-mee.

My 45 PPs - names in profile it is asking for people opinion on how they pronounce the name. You would, therefore, get more answers if you asked there too.
I would pronounce Carys as KA-ris with a short 'a' and a short 'i' sound.
There may not be a 'correct' pronounciation as such, more a majority of pronounciation. For example you can't tell Naomi who says her name is pronounced wrong because she pronounces it nay-O-mai (mai as in the word 'my')and not the majority of Australia (where I'm from) who pronounce it as nay-O-mee.

My 45 PPs - names in profile