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Actually, Daividh and Erin...
in reply to a message by Erin
I think our visitor here is inquiring about a name to go with her supposed, anticipated twin daughter named "Olivia", as in "Olivia and Elizabeth".At least, that's what I gather from the the first time she posted this message......And didn't have the courtesy to reply to any of her respondants before posting practically the same thing again.But, you know, we seem to get a number of these types sailing in here with a tendency to post inane, pointless, repetitive queries just for the heck of seeing how many people will respond to them.They invariably have no interest in interacting with anyone else on this board, nor do they have anything of value to contribute to this board.-- Nanaea
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I need HELP!  ·  Jen  ·  3/3/2001, 9:27 AM
Re: I need HELP!  ·  Öllegård  ·  4/2/2001, 6:08 PM
Re: I need HELP!  ·  Daividh  ·  3/3/2001, 11:17 AM
Re: I need HELP!  ·  Erin  ·  3/3/2001, 6:03 PM
Actually, Daividh and Erin...  ·  Nanaea  ·  3/4/2001, 5:19 AM