Does anybody know anything about the female name Sosie? I read somewhere that its supposedly Armenian, and means 'evergreen' but I wanted to make sure.
Oh yes! It is another way of spelling "Sus" or "Susi" basically means Horse of The Lord's Horse.
According to _Armenian Names_ by Nicholas Awde and Emanuela Losi, Sosi is a female name which means "plane tree", the sacred tree of ancient Armenia. "Sosie" does not occur in the book but it's probably just an Anglicized spelling of Sosi.
Thanks. I've seen Sosi, but I've also seen Sosie, so I wasn't sure which was the correct spelling.
Sosie is also the French and Italian word for "Double" used as a word for Look-a-Like or Doppelganger. In Portuguese it is Sosia, and I've seen Sosia for Italian as well.
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Hope that is of some help! How's your pregnancy going? Have you found out the gender yet?
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Hope that is of some help! How's your pregnancy going? Have you found out the gender yet?