What does this name mean?
I dreamt this name Tewana for a girl. Is this a real name?
what does this name mean
Next time, please search the database before asking. This message board is for names not find in the database.
Also, please don't hijack other peoples' messages. It's seen as very rude. Start a new thread instead.
*Pitiful creature of darkness!/ What kind of live have you known?/ God give me courage to show you/ you are not alone...*
~guess what musical :)
Next time, please search the database before asking. This message board is for names not find in the database.
Also, please don't hijack other peoples' messages. It's seen as very rude. Start a new thread instead.
*Pitiful creature of darkness!/ What kind of live have you known?/ God give me courage to show you/ you are not alone...*
~guess what musical :)
This message was edited 6/18/2005, 12:18 PM
I apologize for not recognizing your message board etiquette. The name came to me in a dream and I am extremely desperate to find out the meaning and if a board entitled "The Etymology and History of First Names" is of no use AND DOES NOT HAVE THE NAME IN THE DATABASE then I'm not certain what the purpose of this board is nor of what sense it makes to ask me to search your database when, obviously, you have not searched it prior to suggesting to me that I should do so with reference to the name I inquired about. As a first response to a first time inquiry a would suggest your response is rude. Thanks for your help though. You're very kind. Go eat a dick.
She wasn't talking to you . . .
She was talking to Jaden Woods, so how about *you* eat some humble pie?
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
She was talking to Jaden Woods, so how about *you* eat some humble pie?
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
I see that now. I am eating it. Thanks for pointing it out to me. But Jaden didn't even write anything... so I couldn't see how she was talking to Jaden. Anyway, I see that I was wrong and, again, I'm sorry to both of you: Caprice and Chrisell. It's just that the name, Tawena, was spelled out so clearly in the dream and it exists, apparently, in some bad children's book about Native Americans, but it could just be some non-sensical made up name that is supposed to sound Native American. It's important because we're having a daughter and her name is of special concern to me.
Yes, of course it's important to check on the meaning and origin of names for daughters - see the posting on Daev above! But for that reason it's usually sensible to stick fairly closely to the known and familiar, or at least the checkable. Rather have her one of several Ediths or Gladyses than the one and only Daev ...
Have fun with your child when she comes.
All the best
Have fun with your child when she comes.
All the best
Thanks. Hopefully something will come along with regards to the name. I really like Lani (Heavenly in Hawaiin) as a second name. Oh, and I'm not sure about the Daev reference... where I'm supposed to look.
Further up this page! Someone liked the name, put it in her subject line, and got firmly corrected by Daividh.
Are you aware that there's a Meaning Search function on the Home page? You type in the meaning you want, and names with that meaning are found for you. Might be fun!
Are you aware that there's a Meaning Search function on the Home page? You type in the meaning you want, and names with that meaning are found for you. Might be fun!
There is a name TaJuana in the database. I don't know if the spelling you refer to is recognized ,or just a different spelling of TaJuana
Allison Meghan Elizabeth
My favorite girl names Catherine,Amalia,,Ingrid,,Lydia,Natalia,
My favorite boy names
Lachlan, Gabriel,Elias, Nicolae,John, James,Gareth
Allison Meghan Elizabeth
My favorite girl names Catherine,Amalia,,Ingrid,,Lydia,Natalia,
My favorite boy names
Lachlan, Gabriel,Elias, Nicolae,John, James,Gareth
This message was edited 6/17/2005, 2:53 PM
Juana is NOT pronounced "wana" it's HWAH-nah.
The J is an English H sound.

The J is an English H sound.

This message was edited 6/17/2005, 10:31 PM