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It's made up of traditional English placename elements, altho I can't locate an actual English locale with the name. Best recollection I have is that it was the name of a series (A&E? Lifetime? Granada Television?) set at the turn of the century at a farm of the same name, supposedly on Prince Edward Island, Canada."Avon" is an old Celtic word meaning "river" (not just the River Avon), and "lea" means "a clearing, pasture or meadow". Ergo, Avonlea would mean "clearing, meadow, etc. situated by a river".Hope that helps,Da.
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my, how prettywhat a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning
why with it's backround clear, it should be on the board I dare say~Silver
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Both the CBC and BBC have put out series based on Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea by Lucy Maud Montgomery. (Canadian school girls' classics and not surprisingly, not your area of expertise! )
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Not just Canadian! Most of my friends have read the Anne of Green Gables series, and I have all but Anne of Avonlea. They're classics in the US too.Y :)
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I love those stories...My friend and I used to pretend to be Anne (the main character) and Dianna (her best friend). She always got to be Anne because she had the most gorgeous red hair, and mine was dark. I dyed my hair with red highlights to this day because I so want red hair.
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LOL, I identified greatly with Anne (with an 'e'! :) 'cause I hated my golden hair, and dreaded the day it would turn brown like my mom's, until it did start turning, and people complemented me on my 'golden-brown hair'! Then I thought Anne was silly, but I still like the stories...oops, LOVE those stories!
Y :)
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Thanks for the clarification, Barb, and...(too true)!
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