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Re: Huub!
You'd make an interesting case study Daividh, for cyber-psychologists intrigued with people such as you who possess an overwhelming compulsion to post bizarre, 4-letter expletives from time to time... :)Try this website: Altavista's wonderful Babelfish doesn't yet conveniently provide a Dutch to English translator, I was able to figure out from an online Dutch dictionary that the definition for "Huub" on this site does seem to point to the name being a variation of (or nickname for) "Hubert".-- Nanaea
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Thanks! That's the first decent Dutch name site I've seen, even if I've got a make a lot of logical translation leaps from English and German. Even answered a couple of other questions I was planning to ask but hadn't.(Wonder if it'll translate into Redneck? Rejdnekk?)
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