Hooked on Ganja, Er, Phonics
in reply to a message by Lissa
On second thought, I'd guess that the parents were whacked on ganja or else poor spellers, attempting to name the baby after Haile Selassie ("Might/Power of the Holy Trinity"), our hometown boy Ras Tafari who became Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930 and venerated object of a religion more of us might have chosen if our parents had given us a choice. Very cool body of liturgical music...
- da.
- da.
My late dad once told me about Selassie's visit to Jamaica; he was shocked/amused that part of the population greetd him as a God,and wondered out aloud "who the fook are these people!?"
LOL !! I wonder if Jesus might have sometimes thought the same thing...
Hehe, goor point :)