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Re: By the way....
Yes, I should think that telling someone at a party that your doctorate is in demonology would cut the conversation straight to the "Oh." ;)Anna Rachel's Secret Twin = Chara Leann ("Anna & Chara")Alias for Anna Rachel Cane = Reanna LaChanceTorgun Miranda's Secret Twin = Trudi Morganna ("Torgun & Trudi")Alias for Torgun Miranda Cane (choose!) =
Gracianne Mordaunt
Catriona GundermanMary Theresa's Secret Twin (choose!) =
Myra Esthera ("Mary & Myra")
Mersey Tarah ("Mary & Mersey")Alias for Mary Theresa Cane (choose!) =
Cameryn Earthsea
Amarante Scheyer
Traecey Shearman
Catharyne Mearse
Charmayne Easter
Catherene Ramsay
Raeya ManchesterAlan Robertson's Secret Twin = Aslan Norberto ("Alan & Aslan")Alias for Alan Robertson Cane (choose!) =
Abe Nolan Contreras
Carter Nolan Beason
Carl Antone Seaborn
Lance Bret Aaronson
Sean Carlo Brentano
Noble Aaron Carsten
Carl Earnest Bonano
Barton Sean Carlone
Alec Aaron Berntson
Cesar Anton LeBaron-- Nanaea
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Hooray... (thanks Arcanae)I'm not jealous of their secret names -Reanna LaChance is quite cool thoughGracianne Mordaunt - you know it has to be.
Catriona GundermanAlias for Mary Theresa Cane (choose!) =
Cameryn Earthsea
Amarante Scheyer
Traecey Shearman
Catharyne Mearse
Charmayne Easter
Catherene Ramsay
Raeya Manchester - I'll have to send them all down to her and see what she likes - she doesn't like Mary Theresa at all.Alias for Alan Robertson Cane (choose!) =
Abe Nolan Contreras - I think this one is nearest to a blues playing name - that's what my dad would go for.
Carter Nolan Beason
Carl Antone Seaborn
Lance Bret Aaronson - my dad as a boyband member! lol.
Sean Carlo Brentano
Noble Aaron Carsten - and his secret twin, Ignoble Aaron Carsten
Carl Earnest Bonano
Barton Sean Carlone
Alec Aaron Berntson
Cesar Anton LeBaron - and he might like this for his French villain name. It has a certain moustache twirliness to it.I'm almost tempted to invent family members to give you new challenges :)
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You're welcome!Only I've gotta have real names to work with -- not invented families. It's much more satisfying. :)-- Arcanae A. Hell
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