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Re: My daughter's name Charve'
I was sorry to read of your husband's accident. Meredith, I'm afraid you may not care much for the meaning of "Charve'" which I've found. According to Hanks & Hodges, this is a French surname, from the Old French word "chauf", meaning "bald". The root goes back to the old Roman cognomen of "Calvus", from which comes the better-known name of "Calvin" in use today.It's a pretty-sounding name, nevertheless, and I would guess that the surname remained in style probably more on account of an association with the 16th century theologian, John Calvin, than on account of its original meaning of "baldness". Well, one would hope so, in any case.Just a suggestion... If you have another child, don't name him/her "Hobbes". :)-- Nanaea
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