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Regarding Penis Envy conversation below
Hi Nan, Pav, Tracie, Cole, and Jonathan,Just now saw all the responses and had to tell you I was LOL! Sorry I missed the party.Jonathan, yes I agree that the male guidelines dominate the female standards of beauty. It's too bad that so many girls are exposed and raised to base their self-value on this. If their energies were encouraged and prioritized elsewhere, just imagine how much more girls and women would accomplish.Andrea
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Male guidelines dominate the female standards of beauty just as religious guidelines dominate a society's standards of morality. I personally dream of a society -- no, a *world* -- united and guided by law and reason alone.Just imagine how much more humanity would accomplish.-- Nanaea
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Nan, such a world would be cold, and without emotion, if it were guided by law and reason alone. There would be no compassion, no forgiveness, just brutal efficiency.Just MHO.
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And a good HO it is. I heartily agree.
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Hey, who you callin' a HO?!LOL! Just amusing myself. :D
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LOL!You're amusing me, too. :)-- Nanaea
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There would be no jihads, inquisitions, witch-burnings, possibly fewer holocausts, and certainly no Religious Right or Moral Majority hammering away at the very sensible separation of Church and State provisions of the United States government. There would be no terrorist bombings of family planning clinics. Public libraries wouldn't be harrassed by hysterical nuts demanding that certain books be removed from library shelves.And I'm talking about *all* religions here -- not just the "right" or "true" religion (which everybody in the world will claim as their own, anyhow).Perhaps a little less "emotion" would not be such a bad thing, as an overabundance of emotion and religious fanaticism is threatening to drag us all back into the Dark Ages.-- Nanaea
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>Perhaps a little less "emotion" would not be such a bad thing, as an
>overabundance of emotion and religious fanaticism is threatening to
>drag us all back into the Dark Ages.So Nan, what you're saying is that all emotion is guided by religion? That doesn't seem right to me somehow...
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No, Jonathan. That was not what I was saying.
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How 'bout, Law, Reason, and HeartImagine all the peopuh....l
Living in a world of peace
You Hoo oo oo oo
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only wuh uhn
I hope some day you will join uh uh uhs
And the world will be as one
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Here's my 5-drachma worth :PHuman nature is overwhelmingly driven by irrational behavior resulting from visceral reactions of hormones and electrolytes. The only thing that can make us transcend this is reason and rationality. But we must constantly fight and negate our intrinsic nature and constraints. I'm not too optimistic about things."...You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
Gettin' horny now..."
Bloodhound Gang
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And a touch of creativity. Wahh.. I miss you John!
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Creativity is absolutely necessary. :)As for "heart"... A person guided by reason is going to be a reasonable person. And a reasonable person is not without heart. :)John...?-- Nanaea
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I wondered if that might be puzzling...I went to respond to Andrea's n/t message and lo and behold... there was more to her message...a quote from John Lennon's Imagine....check it out :)
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That's our Andrea. :)From *Imagine*...Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...Interesting that Entertainment Online reported that Lennon's *Imagine* was included in the list of about 100 "lyrically inappropriate" songs being banned by U.S. radio stations in the wake of the September 11th trajedy.Personally, I couldn't think of a more appropriate song to be played now.-- Nanaea
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"Imagine" banned? Now there's censorship for you..I agree..the lyrics are timely indeed.
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Yep. I don't think this was the first time Lennon's *Imagine* was banned, either. Another *tragedy*... (Maaaan, can't believe my typos lately...)-- Nanaea
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And......a "thank you" to Daividh for inspiring the thread! :)-- Nanaea
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Definitely! It's a cute thread...
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(blush!) : )
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