What is the meaning of the name "KALAYLA"
What is the meaning of this name "Kalayla" (Ka-lay-la)
I've searched and found no real meaning. Please help! I
was atleast told that it may have a Hawaiian connection.
I've searched and found no real meaning. Please help! I
was atleast told that it may have a Hawaiian connection.
Debra, Debra, you didn't RTFM, but ...
hey, I'll help, since we're sposed to be a more caring America these days (people now sometimes SMILE when they flip you the bird on the freeway).
Can't find anything that's a female equivalent, but one Hawaiian site says that the male name "Kalaila" (same pronunce) has the English equivalent of "Clyde".
Sounds like crap to me, but whaddaya want for nothin? Might be right.
- Da.
hey, I'll help, since we're sposed to be a more caring America these days (people now sometimes SMILE when they flip you the bird on the freeway).
Can't find anything that's a female equivalent, but one Hawaiian site says that the male name "Kalaila" (same pronunce) has the English equivalent of "Clyde".
Sounds like crap to me, but whaddaya want for nothin? Might be right.
- Da.
I beg you, what does RTFM mean?
Go to FAQ on this site and u will find answer.. :-D