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Re: Please Help Domhnall?
Ciara and Kai are in the database already. You could've easily found them by searching on the main page of Behind the Name. Next time, please do so. Now, just click on Ciara or Kai's hyperlink to see their meanings.Ciara is pronounced either KEER-ah or KEE-ah-rah, depending on geography and who you ask. Both pronunciations are correct, though I personally prefer the former.Kai is not Irish, no matter what anyone says. It's Hawaiian, Scandinavian, or Old Norse, depending on the etymology. Additionally, it could be construed as ultimately Roman, if you go with the "form of Gaius" route.Miranda
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You said thisCiara is pronounced either KEER-ah or KEE-ah-rah, depending on geography and who you ask. Both pronunciations are correct, though I personally prefer the former.
what do u mean depending on geography?I am new at this sorta thng and I have been searching a lot of databases. Your the first person who has given me any real answers. That I thank you for.I really like the KEE-ah-rah pronunciation but I would really like to know where it comes from and what it means.If you could help that would be great.Kelly
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Geography = where you are locatedBy that, I mean one person in Ireland may pronounce Ciara as KEER-ah, while another Irish person living in a different part of Ireland may pronounce it KEE-ah-rah. The pronunciations are different solely because the two Irish people live in different geographical areas.No, I don't know which places say what. Sorry.And you're welcome. :-)Miranda
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